Sooty-Foot was so charmed by the cat’s friendship that she readily agreed and followed him up the hill. Rusty showed her to a stall in the warm center of the barn. There, to her delight, the wooden floor was strewn with sweet-smelling straw. A bucket of cold spring water hung from a peg on the wall and a whole bale of hay was there for her to eat at her leisure. “Oh, this is delightful,” whinnied Sooty-Foot. “Never before have I slept in such luxury. How will I ever repay you for your kindness?” “limmm,” purred Rusty, “we’ll think of something.” Then, as Sooty-Foot daintily nibbled on the alfalfa, Rusty continued to spellbind her with marvelous stories of his wishes and wants.
$ 18.95
A lazy cat named Rusty befriends a beautiful horse, Sooty-Foot, with promises of a lifetime of friendship. Children of all ages are guided through the misadventure as Rusty uses his sharp-tongued wiles to bully Sooty-Foot to do his bidding.
10 inch x 7 inch Hard Cover with Dust Jacket
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