One evening, as Zachariah returned from work, the wind was silent-still. Try though he might, Zachariah was sure that the tree didn’t speak. “Ah, ha!” thought he, “the tree did not say, ‘Leave me be! Leave me be!’ Now surely will I chop this tree, this great Puddle Pine. I will have the greatest Paddle Whacker home that has ever dammed a stream in the Land of Serendipity.” Chuckling gleefully to himself, he leaped into the water and swam to his home to prepare for the morning chop. He woke early before the others had even caused a ripple on the waters of the silvered pond. He silkily slipped into the water and swam to the other side. There he waddled up onto the muddy bank, shook the water from his coat in a rainbow spray and rushed to the great Puddle Pine.
Puddle Pines
$ 18.95
Three little paddle whackers have cut down and used all the trees in the magical meadow surrounding their pond. All the trees, that is, save for one stately Puddle Pine. Sadly, they cut the tree down, and with no more trees they are forced to move from their homes. The Puddle Pine is a unique story about the stewardship of our forests.
10 inch x 7 inch Hard Cover with Dust Jacket
Coming Soon